Our products are used by many companies and researchers both in Japan and abroad.
We are also involved in the development of cutting-edge technologies in research, and we would like to introduce some of the papers published on our products.
Electrical Pulse Generator (EPG series)
Yi Zhang et al., ”Phase modulation polarization encoding module applied to one-to-many QKD network based on wavelength division multiplexing.”, Chinese. Opt. Lett.,2022
Hanna Le Jeannic,”Dynamical photon-photon interaction mediated by a quantum emitter”in Nature Portfolio,2022
Zheyuan Zhang et al.,”Overall Non-Mechanical Spectrally Steered LiDAR Using Chirped Amplitude-Modulated Phase-Shift Method” in JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY,VOL. 40, NO. 7,2022
Daniel Christian Kiefer,”Ultraviolette Laser zur Kühlung relativistischer Ionenstrahlen” in Technische Universität Darmstadt,2019
Hwi Don Lee et al.,”Akinetic swept-source optical coherence tomography based on a pulse-modulated active mode locking fiber laser for human retinal imaging” in Science Reports,DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-36252-z,2018
Michael G. Zhao et al.,Generation of Ultrahigh Speed, ”Ultrashort Flat-Top Picosecond Electrical Pulses by Laser Pulse Shaping and Ultrafast Electro-Optics Sampling” in Electromagnetics Research M,,Vol. 64, 35–41,,2018
FrédéricAudo et al.,”Experimentalobservationoftheemergenceof Peregrine-likeeventsinfocusingdambreakflows in OpticsLetters”,OpticalSocietyof
America -OSAPublishing,43(12),pp.2864-2867,2018
Matthias Eibl et al.,”Two-photon-excited fluorescence (TPEF) and fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) with sub-nanosecond pulses and a high analog bandwidth signal detection”in arXiv,1810.0499,2018
A. Dolcemascolo et al.,”Resonator neuron and triggering multipulse excitability in laser with injected signal” in American Physical Society,Vol. 98, Iss. 6,2018
Professor Hui Deng,”An Ultrafast Electrical and Optical Excitation System for Research” in University of Michigan, FA9550-15-1-0366,2017
MATTHIAS EIBLet al.,”Single pulse two photon fluorescence lifetime imaging (SP-FLIM) with MHz pixel rate” in BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS,Vol. 8, No. 7 ,2017
Kyoya Tokunaga et al.,”Generation of synchronized picosecond pulses by a 1.06-μm gain-switched laser diode for stimulated Raman scattering microscopy” in Opt Express,2;24(9):9617-28,2016
Kevin William Young et al. ,”Minimally Invasive Principles and Technology to Measure Dynamic Skeletal Muscle Sarcomere Length” in UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO,the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,2016
Bruno Garbin,Excitabilité et solitons temporels de phase dans un système laser neuromorphique in UNIVERSITÉ NICE SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS – UFR Sciences,2015
Tunable Optical Filters (BVF/CVF series)
Yu Chen et al., “Reconfigurable second-order optical all-pass filter.”, Nanophotonics; 11(13): 3115–3125, 2022.
Risheng Cheng et al., “Supplementary Material – Unveiling photon statistics with a 100-pixel photon-number-resolving detector.”, Yale University, 2022.
Chen Hao et al., “Independent Amplitude and Phase Control of Two Orthogonal Linearly Polarised Light and Its Applications.”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 13(6), 106, 2021.
Yang Hong et al., “Direct-Detection Transmission Over >100 km Distances in a Hollow Core Fiber., “Laser Photonics Rev, 15, 2100102, 2021.
Lingzhi Li et al., “Polarimetric parity-time symmetry in a photonic system.”, Light: Science & Applications 9:169, 2020.
Zhenyu Li et al., “Biotoxoid Photonic Sensors with Temperature Insensitivity Using a Cascade of Ring Resonator and Mach−Zehnder Interferometer.”, ACS Sensor. 5, 2448−2456, 2020.
Shaochen Duan et al., “Photonic-Assisted Regenerative Microwave Frequency Divider With a Tunable Division Factor.”, JOUournal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 38, No. 19, October 1, 2020.
Kohei Noda et al., “First demonstration of Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry based on external modulation scheme.”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 58, 068004 (2019).
Kohei Noda et al., “外部変調方式に基づくブリルアン光相関領域反射計の動作検証.”, 第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会 講演予稿集 (2019 東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス).
Nguyen Pham et al., “Terahertz Device Characterization Based on Electro-optic Near-field Measurement.”, Osaka Univeirsity, Doctor Philosophy in Engineering., March 2018.
Jiqiang Kang et al., “Video-rate centimeter-range optical coherence tomography based on dual optical frequency combs by electro-optic modulators..”, Vol. 26, No. 19, Optics Express 24928, 2018.
N. Kuse et al., “Electro-optic comb based real time ultra-high sensitivity phase noise measurement system for high frequency microwaves.”, Scientific Reports | 7: 2847, 2017.
Saif Al Graiti et al., “Extreme Contrast Enchantment of an All-Optical AND Gate.”, Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology, 2016.
Yu-Han Hung et al., “Period-One Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers for Photonic Microwave Mixing..”, International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications,NOLTA2016, Yugawara, Japan, November 27th-30th, 2016.
Mengxi Ji et al., “Enhanced parametric frequency conversion in a compact silicon-graphene microring resonator.”, Vol. 23, No. 14, OPTICS EXPRESS 18679, 2015.